Blog Journal #8

During the Web Design assignment, I acquired several new skills that have greatly enhanced my understanding of designing websites. One of the key design principles I used was visual hierarchy. I ensured that important elements such as navigation menus and call-to-action buttons stood out prominently, while less important elements were visually subdued. For example, I used larger fonts and bold colors for headings to draw attention while using smaller fonts and lighter colors for less important text. Additionally, I paid close attention to the principle of consistency throughout the website. I maintained consistent typography, color schemes, and layout styles across all pages to provide a cohesive user experience. Overall, I enjoyed the assignment as it gave me hands-on experience in applying design principles to create functional and visually appealing websites. In my future career, these skills will be invaluable as I aim to create engaging digital experiences for users.

I regularly use AI tools such as ChatGPT to assist me in various tasks. As an AI model, ChatGPT helps me generate creative ideas, refine writing drafts, and provide quick answers to questions. I find AI tools like ChatGPT incredibly useful, as they can efficiently handle repetitive tasks and provide valuable insights. I am motivated to use AI tools because of their potential to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. However, I also recognize the importance of critically evaluating the output of AI tools and ensuring they align with my objectives.

In class, I have had the opportunity to practice using ChatGPT for various purposes, including generating creative prompts, summarizing complex concepts, and facilitating discussions. Through these experiences, I learned that AI chatbots like ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance in generating ideas and facilitating communication. However, I also became aware of their limitations, such as generating inaccurate or irrelevant responses. My perception of AI has remained largely positive, but I recognize the importance of understanding its limitations and potential risks. To address these concerns with my students, I emphasize the importance of critically evaluating AI-generated content and using it as a tool rather than a replacement for human creativity and judgment.

I believe AI tools have the potential to significantly enhance productivity in various aspects of my teaching job. For example, AI-powered grading systems can automate the grading process for assignments and exams, allowing me to provide timely feedback to students. Additionally, AI-based scheduling assistants can help optimize my daily schedule and prioritize tasks more effectively. I plan to use AI tools to streamline administrative tasks, allowing me to focus more time and energy on teaching and interacting with students. By leveraging AI tools for productivity, I aim to create a more efficient and effective learning environment for my students.


  1. Hey, Rayliana! Your website looks really well-made, good job! You followed all the contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity rules, and the efforts really paid off. The minimalist style looks very polished, and the quote placement is very intuitive. Great job overall!

  2. Hello Rayliana! I checked out your website and love the layout and information you provided. As Virginia said, everything is exceptionally polished and neat, its amazing!


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