Blog Journal 2

 While I was growing up in K-12 public education, the digital age was rising as well. We started having iPads in class in 5th grade and ever since then, we were provided with technology for every academic school year until I graduated high school. We were assigned Google Drive accounts so we would not lose our documents, school work, etc. Because of this, I have become very comfortable and familiar with Google Drive and Google Docs. Now, coming to FSU,  MS Word is used more and accepted more widely. I have been trying to get more comfortable with Microsoft Tools but it is definitely a challenge. 

The standard that is most meaningful to me is standard 2.2: Leader. I chose this standard because I think every student has the ability to be a leader and the educator can seek those students out. I liked how this standard outlined how the teacher should lead by example. They can model the behavior that students should have, especially when it comes to technology. 

Being a "digital native" refers to this generation and their relationship with technology. Honestly, my learning experience wasn't really affected by my teachers (digital immigrants). Their lack of knowledge when it comes to technology gives us the time to form a relationship and teach one another. I think since I have grown up in a digital age, I will be a lot better suited to teach my students. However, technology is always evolving and we never stop learning. I believe that my students will have the same opportunity to educate me so I may grow and not become a digital immigrant.  


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