
Showing posts from March, 2024

Blog Journal #9

In EME2040, I appreciate the interactive nature of the classroom experience, where discussions and group activities foster collaboration and critical thinking. However, the heavy reliance on traditional lectures can sometimes feel monotonous, hindering engagement and creativity. As a future teacher, I believe incorporating more diverse teaching methods, such as multimedia presentations and experiential learning activities, could enhance the classroom experience by catering to different learning styles and promoting active participation. Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible materials that can be used for teaching, learning, and research. These resources include textbooks, lectures, quizzes, and multimedia content that are openly licensed, allowing users to access, modify, and distribute them without financial or legal barriers. OER promotes equitable access to education, supports innovative teaching practices, and enables educators to customize learning materials to me

Portfolio Item 23: Bitmoji Classroom


Portfolio Item 21: Learning-Related Meme


Blog Journal #8

During the Web Design assignment, I acquired several new skills that have greatly enhanced my understanding of designing websites. One of the key design principles I used was visual hierarchy. I ensured that important elements such as navigation menus and call-to-action buttons stood out prominently, while less important elements were visually subdued. For example, I used larger fonts and bold colors for headings to draw attention while using smaller fonts and lighter colors for less important text. Additionally, I paid close attention to the principle of consistency throughout the website. I maintained consistent typography, color schemes, and layout styles across all pages to provide a cohesive user experience. Overall, I enjoyed the assignment as it gave me hands-on experience in applying design principles to create functional and visually appealing websites. In my future career, these skills will be invaluable as I aim to create engaging digital experiences for users. https://civic